Ark Plant Species Z to Build in Blue Zone

Plant Species Z Seed (Aberration).png

" Plant this in a viable large crop plot to grow a charge-infused plant, that will protect you against enemies and provide you with fruits!

Spawn Command

cheat gfi seed_plantspeciesz 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/WeaponPlantSpeciesZ/PrimalItemConsumable_Seed_PlantSpeciesZ.PrimalItemConsumable_Seed_PlantSpeciesZ'" 1 0 0


Hexagon Icon.png 1,000

Plant Species Z Seed is a food item in the Aberration DLC. It can be used to grow the Plant Species Z.

Passive charge light creatures, like the  Bulbdog, favor these seeds above anything else when being tamed.

Gathering [ ]

To obtain the seeds, you have to find a wild Plant Species Z plant. It is not harvestable, instead you have to keep standing around next to it. Every 60 seconds it will retract its tentacle and spit out a seed. Some Plant Z Species are bugged when they spit out a seed, where when the seed hits the ground it will disappear after a second or two. A way to fix this is to watch where the seed hits the ground and place a foundation at that location. The seed then hits the foundation and won't fall through the ground or disappear.

Planting [ ]

When placed in a  Large Crop Plot with  Fertilizer and water, the Plant Species Z will grow.

  •  ? min* Seeded
  •  ? Days* Seedling -> Midling
  •  ? Days* Midling -> Growthling
  •  ? Days* Growthling -> Fruitling

* times are ingame-times

This plant will spawn  Plant Species Z Fruits, in your inventory, which act as a flash-bang grenade that blind both survivors and creatures for a few seconds.

Spoil times [ ]

  • After a wild Plant Species Z plant spits out a seed you have a 30 second timer to pick it up before it decomposes.

For more information, see Spoilage.

Used to Tame [ ]


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